SDAR releases updated Local Area Disclosure Booklet

SDAR (San Diego Association of Realtors) has just released a new version of the Local Area Booklet for San Diego County.
While I can’t seem to find an update as to what was changed, added or revised. I have skimmed thru the old and new and find the following changes.
The changes I find are as follows:
Page 5 #15 (Gas Pipelines) An advisement to Buyer’s & Seller’s to the possible existence of underground transmission pipelines, and the location of side pipelines can be obtained from most Natural Hazard Providers and Reports.
Page 6 #16 (Property Photographs). An acknowledgement and understanding that photo’s and videos may exist of persons, may have been made public via MLS pictures and that Broker/Seller has no control of said images.
Page 6 regarding landfills and their locations.
Page 8 Traffic and roads has been expanded to be freeway specific.
Happy Selling!!!